February 6, 2025

Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat

Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat

Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat

Discover the Unique Elephant Nose Fish: A Complete Care Guide and Fascinating Facts


The Elephant Nose Fish (Gnathonemus petersii) is a fascinating species known for its distinctive trunk-like appendage, which it uses for navigation and food detection. Native to the freshwater rivers and streams of West and Central Africa, these fish are popular among aquarists for their intriguing appearance and behavior. Understanding the natural habitat, dietary needs, and care requirements of the Elephant Nose Fish is crucial for providing optimal conditions in captivity and ensuring their well-being.

These fish are characterized by their elongated bodies, dark coloration, and the unique “nose,” which is an extension of their mouth. They use this appendage to sense their environment and locate food. Elephant Nose Fish are nocturnal and prefer to stay hidden during the day, emerging at night to forage.

Maintaining the right water parameters, such as a pH of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature of 73-82°F, is essential. Regular water changes and efficient filtration are crucial to keeping the water quality high. Feeding these fish a diet rich in protein helps keep them healthy and vibrant.

Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat


Scientific NameGnathonemus petersii
Common NamesElephant Nose Fish, Peter’s Elephantnose Fish
Year Discovered1862
SpeciesG. petersii
Max SizeUp to 9 inches
TemperamentPeaceful, Territorial
Aquarium LevelBottom to Mid-Level
DifficultyModerate to Advanced
ShoalingSolitary or Small Groups
Best Kept AsSingle specimens or Small Groups
Diet and FeedingCarnivorous
ReproductionEgg layers
Average Lifespan6-10 years


The Elephant Nose Fish is easily recognizable by its elongated body and distinctive trunk-like appendage. Its coloration is typically dark brown to black, which helps it blend into its natural environment. The “nose” is used to sense electric fields and locate food.

Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat


Elephant Nose Fish are native to the freshwater rivers, streams, and floodplains of West and Central Africa. They inhabit slow-moving waters with dense vegetation and a soft substrate.

Habits and Lifestyle

Elephant Nose Fish are nocturnal and spend most of the day hidden among the substrate or under decorations in the aquarium. They use their trunk-like appendage to navigate, communicate, and locate food through electroreception. They are peaceful but can be territorial with their own kind.

Care Guide

Tank Setup: A tank of at least 50 gallons is recommended, with plenty of hiding spots such as rocks, driftwood, and plants. A soft substrate like sand is ideal for burrowing.

Water Parameters: Elephant Nose Fish thrive in water with a pH of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature of 73-82°F. Efficient filtration and regular water changes are crucial for maintaining water quality.

Diet: Feed a diet rich in protein, including live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms. They may also accept high-quality carnivore pellets.

Physical Characteristics

Elephant Nose Fish can grow up to 9 inches in length. They have an elongated body, a distinctive trunk-like appendage, and a dark coloration that helps them blend into their natural environment.

Diet and Nutrition

These fish are carnivorous and thrive on a diet of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms. Offering a variety of protein-rich foods helps ensure they receive balanced nutrition.

Breeding and Business

Breeding Elephant Nose Fish in captivity is challenging due to their specific environmental requirements and the need for precise water conditions. They are egg layers and require a separate breeding tank with optimal conditions.

Breeding Techniques: To breed Elephant Nose Fish, set up a breeding tank with plenty of hiding spots and a soft substrate. The water should be clean and stable with a temperature around 77°F. After spawning, the eggs should be carefully monitored and the fry fed small live foods.

Health and Diseases

Elephant Nose Fish are generally hardy but can be susceptible to common freshwater diseases such as ich, bacterial infections, and parasites. Maintaining high water quality and a proper diet can help prevent these issues. Regular health checks and quarantine of new fish can also mitigate disease risks.

Common Diseases:

  • Ich: Symptoms include white spots on the body and fins. Treat with elevated water temperatures and ich-specific medication.
  • Bacterial Infections: Look for redness, ulcers, or fin rot. Antibiotic treatments in a quarantine tank are usually effective.
  • Parasites: Symptoms include scratching against objects and rapid breathing. Anti-parasitic medications can help.

Commercial Medicines: Some commonly used medications for treating diseases in Elephant Nose Fish include:

  • Ich Treatment: Malachite Green, Formalin
  • Bacterial Infections: Maracyn, Kanamycin
  • Parasites: Praziquantel, Metronidazole


Elephant Nose Fish are generally peaceful but can be territorial with their own kind. They are best kept in spacious aquariums with plenty of hiding spots. They exhibit interesting behaviors such as using their trunk-like appendage to sense electric fields and locate food.


How big do Elephant Nose Fish get?They can grow up to 9 inches in length.
What do they eat?Their diet should consist of protein-rich foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms.
Can they live with other fish?They can be kept with other peaceful fish but may be territorial with their own kind.
How do you breed Elephant Nose Fish?Breeding is challenging and requires a separate breeding tank with optimal water conditions. They are egg layers and need a soft substrate for spawning.
What is the ideal tank setup?A large tank with a soft substrate, plenty of hiding spots, a pH of 6.0-7.5, and a temperature of 73-82°F.

Related Fish or Tank Mates

Suitable tank mates include other peaceful fish that can thrive in similar water conditions, such as certain tetras and catfish. Avoid keeping them with aggressive fish that may cause stress.

Price Table

RegionPrice (USD)Date
North America$20-$40June 2024
Europe€18-€35June 2024
Asia$15-$30June 2024
AustraliaAUD 25-45June 2024

Factors Affecting Price

  • Rarity and demand
  • Size and age of the fish
  • Breeding and rearing conditions
  • Transportation and import costs


Elephant Nose Fish: Comprehensive Care Guide, Facts, and Habitat

Categories: Freshwater Fish, Tropical Fish, Aquarium Fish, African Fish, Nocturnal Fish, Bottom Dwellers

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